EVO-ODAS Project: Evolution of EO Online Data Access Services

Dear All,
in this post we would like to introduce briefly the EVO-ODAS project (which stands for “Evolution of EO Online Data Access Services”) which we are participating together with German Space Agency (DLR), EoX and Jacobs University (rasdaman group). The project is funded by the European Space Agency (ESA).
The EVO-ODAS project aims at analysing relevant scenarios and technologies for data publication and access of EO data in order to identify potential for improvements in existing OGC standards as well as in their implementations, with a special focus on Open Source implementations. It will also evaluate selected improvements and implement them in the existing Open Source software; it will also propose standards extensions for future releases. The overall goal is to foster the applicability of online EO data access services and related OGC standards and to promote their evolution and diffusion.
The project has reached the System Requirements Review, hence the analysis of relevant use cases as well as corresponding technologies/tools and standards has been completed. The selection of deficiencies to be addressed in the next project phases has been performed, currently the project is moving towards the Critical Design Review, hence the prototypes Technical Specification and the work on standards is being performed.
GeoSolutions goal as consortium partner is to exploit our extensive experience in the management and dissemination of EO (as well as MetOc) data in order to propose improvements to existing OGC standards and implement them in GeoServer and MapStore.
Areas of improvements include the following:
- Two steps search for EO data (Collection and Product) via OpenSearch
- Improved management of scattered dimensions (TIME, ELEVATION and so on) for WMS and WCS
- Raw product download
- Service Crosslinking (between WMS, WCS and Raw Download)
As the project will progress we will publish more information about our activities and their outcome on this blog, so stay tuned. We will strive to have the work released on the GeoServer and MapStore codebase in a way that everybody will be able to profit from the project’s outcome.
If you want to know more about how we can help your organization, don’t hesitate and get in touch with us! Make sure to check our Enterprise Services Offer which your organization can use to get advantage of our support.
The GeoSolutions Team,