GeoNode 4.1.0 is out!

Dear Reader,

We are pleased to announce the new stable release of GeoNode. This release includes several new features, in addition to improvements and fixes that make GeoNode even more secure and robust. This release includes upgrades for some core Python dependencies, MapStore and the upgrade to Geoserver 2.23.0The full list of changes and bug fixes can be found in the changelog. Additional information for the management of a GeoNode Project can be found inside the official documentation. Feel free to play with the online demo, which is available for free for anyone to explore GeoNode!

A new upload engine

GeoNode integrates a brand new importer module based on GDAL/OGR, which offers increased robustness and reliability to the upload UI and API services. GeoPackage (vector), GeoJSON, KML/KMZ formats and a new CSV handler have been implemented.

Upload widget

Upload widget

Thesaurus faceting and date filters

If thesaurus and thesaurus keywords are configured and assigned to resources, they will be available inside the filters panel, along with the number of associated resources (facets). At the moment facets work in OR mode, which means that when more filters are selected the search will look for resources either with one keyword or the other assigned. AND filtering is planned for future releases of GeoNode.

Date filtering has also been added, with which a from / to date can be set to filter resources with the reference date (either creation, publishing or update) falling within the time window.

Thesaurus and date filters

Time series

In previous versions, an optional step for the configuration of datetime fields was made available, in case GeoNode found one or more fields eligible for a time series dataset. This workflow was confusing for many users, and not very robust. The optional configuration of vector time series can be done at a later time, through the Settings tab inside the Metadata editing page. Only vector formats that provide date(time) fields natively, for example ESRI Shapefile and GeoPackage, are supported. Conversion from string fields is not supported.

Time series configuration

Linked resources

A tab inside the info panel has been added to show the relationships between datasets, maps and documents. Links between maps and datasets are automatically available when a dataset is used as a layer inside one or more maps. For documents, links to datasets or maps can be set from the Metadata editing page.

Linked resources

Linked resources inside the information panel

A tab inside the info panel has been added showing the attributes of vector datasets

New API functionalities

Remote documents

The API has been extended to permit the creation of document resources referencing remote URLs instead of uploaded files.

ISO-19115 XML upload via API

A metadata XML file can be uploaded along with the resource data.

Software upgrades

Security and Bug Fixes

You can see the full list of closed issues here.

System requirements

Python >3.9 is required to run GeoNode 4.1.0, since many of its dependencies have dropped support for older versions.

If you are interested in learning about how we can help you achieving your goals with open source products like GeoServerMapstoreGeoNode and GeoNetwork make sure to talk to us!

The GeoSolutions team
