GeoSolutions workshops at FOSS4G 2014

Dear Reader,
GeoSolutions is proud to announce that Andrea Aime, our technical lead on GeoServer, and Mauro Bartolomeoli, our technical lead on MapStore, will attend this year FOSS4G in Portland to give a few workshops on our technologies.
The conference will take place at the Oregon Convention Center between 8th and 13th of September 2014 (here is the complete schedule including events on the weekend before the conference). Specifically the 8th and 9th will be dedicated to workshops (here is the workshop schedule).
The schedule for our workshops is as follows:
- SpatioTemporal data handling with GeoServer: an introduction with examples for MetOc and Remote Sensing data for WMS and WCS with Mauro Bartolomeoli, 8th of September – morning session. This workshop will provide detailed information on how to handle SpatioTemporal metadata in GeoServer for serving with OGC Services, with a particular focus on WMS and WCS.This workshop will provide detailed information on how to handle SpatioTemporal data in GeoServer for serving with OGC Services, with a particular focus on WMS and WCS.
- Web mapping with OGC services and GeoServer: an introduction with Andrea Aime, 8th of September – morning session. This workshop will provide an introduction to setting up high availability clusters for OGC services using GeoServer and GeoWebCache. In order to participate to the workshop no specific knowledge of GeoServer and GeoWebCache is required, but working knowledge with OGC service concepts and basic system administration is recommended.
- Enterprise class deplyoment for GeoServer and GeoWebcache:optimizing performances and robustness with Mauro Bartolomeoli, 8th of September – afternoon session. This workshop will provide guidance and hands on experience on how to optimize the performance of OGC services using GeoServer and GeoWebCache. In order to participate to the workshop a basic knowledge of GeoServer, OGC services, SLD styling is recommended.
- Introduction to high availability clusters with GeoServer and GeoWebCache with Andrea Aime, 8th of September – afternoon session. This workshop will provide an introduction to setting up high availability clusters for OGC services using GeoServer and GeoWebCache. In order to participate to the workshop no specific knowledge of GeoServer and GeoWebCache is required, but working knowledge with OGC service concepts and basic system administration is recommended.
- From data to maps and services with MapStore, GeoServer GeoNetwork and CKAN with Mauro Bartolomeoli, 9th of September -full day. This workshop will guide the attendees through creating a complete and flexible infrastructure for serving geospatial data based on the well-known Open Source components MapStore, GeoServer GeoNetwork and CKAN. A few real-world use cases will also be discussed at the beginning in order to put the information that will be provided in the second part of the workshop in the right context.
- OGC services with GeoServer: from journeyman to master with Andre Aime, 9th of September – full day. The workshop will provide the attendees with an in-depth introduction to the GeoServer Open Source server useful for those who are (still??) not familiar with it but also for those who already using it as they will have the chance to ask questions directly to one of the main developers behind the software.
The workshops are meant to satisfy attendees with all level of knowledge of our technologies, from the uninitiated (e.g. Web mapping with OGC services and GeoServer: an introduction) to the advanced users looking for fine tuning tips and tricks (e.g. Enterprise class deplyoment for GeoServer and GeoWebcache:optimizing performances and robustness) or more ways to exploit the power of GeoServer (e.g. SpatioTemporal data handling with GeoServer: an introduction with examples for MetOc and Remote Sensing data for WMS and WCS).
Looking forward to seeing you in Portland!
The GeoSolutions team,