Free Webinar: MapStore at work for the City of Genova – towards building a digital twin with open source tools

<<UPDATE: the recording has been posted on our youtube channel; it is also available in the first comment at the end of the post>>
Dear Reader,
MapStore has been evolving significantly in recent years thanks to the support and trust that more and more organizations place in it and its growing community of both users and developers world wide. Its tools and powerful features have made MapStore the WebGIS solution of choice for many organizations looking for a reliable, highly customizable and extensible open source framework. The City of Genoa (Italy), with its GeoPortal, is one of the most trusting realities among the Italian Public Administrations that has believed in MapStore from the beginning by relying on and at the same time contributing to the development of its features for many years. The main areas of interest are all those involving the urban fabric, starting from the services for the citizen to get to the city mobility, the interventions on the territory and territorial monitoring/assessment, emergency management, tourism and many many others. A really full coverage indeed, where MapStore is put under test on a daily basis!
During the 2022 the City of Genoa was one of the main contributors for the enhancement of the 3D functionalities bringing great new features to MapStore. Interesting new tools have been developed with the aim to meet various needs in the management and assessment of the urban planning across various departments of the Public Administration. The major version 2023.01.00 releases a mighty set of 3D tools representing effectively the pinnacle of MapStore evolution in 2022.

3D reconstruction of the historic promontory on which the Lanterna of Genoa stands
Our next webinar on March 30th will present these new features in action by giving a demonstration of how MapStore and its functionalities are used to cover use cases in the real world. You can register at the link below.In the next sections we are going to touch briefly some of the most interesting topics that we will cover in the webinar. The webinar recording will be posted to our youtube channel and it will also be made available directly in the comments at the end of the blog post.
Map Views
Set up your custom map views both for 2D and 3D mode and switch between them or use the provided navigation functionality to present your data using the MapStore map viewer.

MapStore Views tool
A View can be easily created with defaults automatically assigned based on the current viewport and further configured through an editing panel that allows you to customize properties such as: a descriptive panel, the view position and animation time as well as dedicated layers visibility settings.

A view with a descriptive panel
In 3D mode, the tool offers more capabilities so that it is possible to leverage on the new MapStore 3D features to make your view effective such as: masking and clipping of 3D Tiles and Terrain layers, globe translucency and so on.

Masking tool in action
3D Measurements
A completely redesigned measurement tool offers the best experience also in 3D mode where new and specific measurement capabilities have been introduced. New functions like measure height from the terrain, measure angle in 3D space, measure slope etc. are available to make the tool effective also for a 3D context.

MapStore 3D Measurement tool
3D Style Editor
One of the main benefits of having all the new 3D features in MapStore is the ability to combine them all to create really advanced and well focused 3D visualizations for the user’s purposes. It is possible to create advanced views, measure 3D features as well as style 3D Tiles layers, but it is also possible to leverage on the new Style Editor capabilities for WFS and Vector layers to adapt them well to the three-dimensional context and make them effective:
- Configuring 3D model rules to configure 3D models (like glTF and GLB) as an external graphic for your layer

Example of a GLTF 3D model in MapStore
- Exploiting other properties like Bring to front, Height reference from ground, Clamp to ground, Leader line and more to better adapt the rendering of features to better meet the needs in a 3D map

Example of a leader line in a 3D map
Webinar invitation
We invite you to join our free webinar on Thursday, March 30h at 11:00 ET / 16:00 GMT / 17:00 CET (more time zones), to learn more about the MapStore 3D support. We are planning to do a 1 hour presentation and 30 minutes of Q&A. You can register by clicking on the button below.
Hope to see you virtually on March 30th, meanwhile, stay safe and keep strong!
The GeoSolutions team