Partnership with Nordiq Group

Hi everyone,
A new partner has just joined our network: Nordiq Group!
Nordiq Group is a consulting company based in Denmark. with around 50 employees. The company was founded in 2016 and the main services are within Urban Development, Urban Strategy, Climate, Water, Environment and Geographical Information System (GIS).
GIS is fundamental to the entire Company business, bringing high value in linking digital expertise with the deep expertise on the different areas the Company is involved with. Specifically, the GIS department is focused on providing consulting services and product development for municipalities, governmental authorities and private companies, helping customers to use geospatial technologies in tasks within urban planning, case management, operation, maintenance, and communication, for internal and citizen-oriented solutions. The team is composed by a staff with long experience, mainly working with GIS Open Source technologies such as MapStore, PostGIS, Geoserver, Open Layers etc.
Nordiq is particularly interested in deepening the knowledge of MapStore application and related environment, to have first-hand access to information of the products in the suite in order to improve current ongoing activities to customize the UI/UX of their solutions to better access the Danish and overall Scandinavian market.
This partnership enables Nordiq to strengthen its offer for services based on geospatial open source software, leveraging GeoSolutions’ extensive expertise in MapStore and Open Source GIS technology, data analysis, and spatial modeling in order to improve capabilities to provide clients with cutting-edge spatial analysis and visualization tools.
At the same time, GeoSolutions will gain a strategic partner with a strong footprint in the Scandinavian Region, fully committed to supporting the widest possible adoption of solutions based on GIS technologies.
About Nordiq
Digitization has transformed the way our society and cities are developed and has huge potential for authorities and companies. Nordiq works to translate this potential into action, helping customers use digitization and data strategically, and support decisions on a systematic, data-based basis.
Nordiq develops sustainable solutions to the societal challenges facing the cities of the future. Demographic development, climate change, digitization and rapid urbanization demand new collaborations, which is why the aim of the company is to bring bring architecture, planning and engineering to a strategic level.
Nordiq interfaces with the city’s decision makers and those involved in ensuring that decisions are brought to life and implemented. Employees are experts in GIS, IT, water, environment, urban development, construction, planning, landscape, mobility as well as strategy and process.
Why become a GeoSolutions partner?
At GeoSolutions, we are well aware of the need for professional services to support the implementation, deployment and maintenance of platforms based on open source geospatial products; therefore, we have decided to create a global network of certified partners of excellence who would leverage its technical capability and expertise in order to fill this gap and bring their skills and offering to the next level. The goal is to support the growth and deeper penetration of open source geospatial products like GeoServer, GeoNode and MapStore, by sharing knowledge, receiving direct technical and commercial help as well as anything that can help them with positively addressing the increased demand for professional support services and solutions.
The partner benefits page contains more information on the partnership benefits, however, let us highlight again a few of them:
- Commercial support: Partners will be allowed to use the resumes of our technical team to participate in tenders by offering the direct technical support of GeoSolutions. Our sales engineers will work, as needed, to support the partner’s team during acquisition of new clients.
- Use of GeoSolutions logo: Partners will be allowed to use our logo and partnership member logo on all media, with our selective prior authorization.
- Discount to GeoSolutions’ offerings: GeoSolutions’ offerings (enterprise services, subscription services, custom tailored solutions, and training) will be provided at a discounted rate to the partners whether they are the final users or whether they act as a reseller (with the latter meaning that we will be effectively recognizing an equivalent sales commission to the Partner).
There are other benefits such as training, early access to new developments, webinar updates for new releases, sharing of promotional material and more. For more information visit our partners page as well as our partnership program : together we are stronger!
The GeoSolutions team,