Vote for our SaveMyBike Project, help us win RegioStars 2018 competition!

Dear Reader,
we are glad to inform you that our R&D project SaveMyBike has been selected by the European Commission as one of the 21 finalists for the “REGIOSTARS AWARDS 2018” for Category 2 “Achieving sustainability through low carbon emissions”.
The main target of the project is to simplify the way we refer to the soft mobility, to make it convenient, immediate, a certainty in everyday life; we want to make soft mobility a pleasant habit and not a further difficulty. Our aim is to relief cities from the oppression of cars, to rediscover the serenity of alternative transport modes, to take on city traffic nodes and to release them once and for all. Sustainable mobility challenges are epochal, but we could begin from small gestures, from everyday life, to reach the target.
The voting process is open until October 7th, therefore we kindly ask you to support us by accessing this page and by voting for the project. We hope you will help us win this competition!
In a future post we are going to discuss about the technical infrastructure that is powering the project.
The GeoSolutions Team,