GeoSolutions Silver OSGeo Sponsorship

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation is pleased to welcome GeoSolutions to its sponsorship program. GeoSolutions builds on a deep commitment to open source with a Silver Sponsorship of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation for 2017.
GeoSolutions is a long standing member of our community with a tradition of supporting regional and international events financially, and providing hands-on participation and direction for our OSGeo projects.
In 2017 GeoSolutions has committed to financially support the local FOSS4G IT event, the global FOSS4G 2017 event in Boston, and the regional FOSS4G Europe event. In addition GeoSolutions has hosted a GeoServer code sprint (in-kind contributions go a long way towards making these activities feasible).
OSGeo would like to thank GeoSolutions for extending their deep commitment to our community with their generous financial support in 2017.
About GeoSolutions
GeoSolutions is an Italian SME specialized in the processing and dissemination of raster and vector geospatial data with Open Source software according to the specifications created by Open Geospatial consortium (OGC) and the ISO Technical Committee 211. GeoSolutions’ team is composed by renowned international professionals with leading roles in some of the main Open Source products for the geospatial field like GeoServer, GeoNetwork, GeoNode and Mapstore.
GeoSolutions counts among its customers major national and international government agencies as well as private companies worldwide. EU Joint Research Centre (JRC), United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), United Nations World Food Program (WFP), World Bank, German Space Agency (DLR), EUMETSAT, E-GEOS, NATO STO CMRE, European Maritime Security Agency (EMSA), Finland National Geological Survey (NLS) as well as the municipalities of Helsinki, Genoa and Florence have chosen GeoSolutions to support their infrastructures.
GeoSolutions provides Enterprise Support Services for GeoServer, GeoNode, MapStore and GeoNetwork. This support is backed by a history of technical innovation providing the driving force behind libraries including ImageIO-Ext, JAI-Ext and GeoTools. Thanks to the wide experience gained in supporting organizations for mission critical projects, GeoSolutions is able to provide reliable and cost-effective custom tailored solutions leveraging on the products above in order to respond efficiently to the customers’ needs.
GeoSolutions is proud to be an OGC Member since 2016, and to support OSGeo in 2017 with a Silver Sponsorship.
About the Foundation
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation is not-for-profit organization to foster global adoption of open source geospatial technology. OSGeo serves as an outreach and advocacy organization providing financial, organizational and legal support for the open source geospatial community.
OSGeo sponsorship is available on an annual basis for foundation projects, events, local chapters and operations. Visit for more information.
If you are interested in learning about how GeoSolutions can help you achieving your goals with open source products like GeoServer, MapStore, GeoNode and GeoNetwork through Enterprise Support Services and GeoServer Deployment Warranty offerings, feel free to contact us!
The GeoSolutions team,