State of GeoNode Free Webinar – Release 3.3.1 and preview of 4.0

Dear Reader,
One of the core technologies in a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is a catalog. Catalogs have become more powerful since now days they also play the role of Geospatial web portals. Portals are providing the virtual place for not only users to discover, access, view and download data, but also for data providers to have a central place to post data and create immersive stories in a collaborative environment.
With GeoNode data providers can upload data (e.g. shapefile, GeoTIFF) and in immediately that data will be available via open standards. It also allows to register services form external systems (e.g. WMS from ArcGIS Servers). GeoNode is a content management system for geospatial, build on open standards and open source. It powers lots of Spatial Data Infrastructures in the world. For example GeoSolutions has helped install GeoNode in various countries (Malaway, Afghanistan, Mozambique, Ghana, Uganda, Nepal, and Madagascar). The World Bank, in particular, has greatly supported its development and even published a report about the return over investment they encountered when investing in the development of GeoNode. A great blog about it is available at the World Bank web site.
We are hosting a free webinar on Thursday, February 10 that provides the information about the upcoming 3.3.1 as well as 4.0 GeoNode releases and will allow enthusiasts and users to interact with key GeoNode developers. Some highlights of what is new in 3.3.x series of releases can be found here below; You can play with the live demo here.
New Libraries
GeoNode 3.3.x now relies in new libraries: Python 3.8+, Django 2.2.24+, GeoServer 2.19.0+, MapStore Client 3.3.0+
Improved download
We cleaned up the download options for layers in GeoNode, removing duplications in the Download Layer option by pointing the download to the MapStore download functionality which use the OGC WPS protocol for a filtered asynchronous download which also supporto geopackage for vector data. We also improved speed and reliability for the Direct Download option which allows us to downlod the original data behind a certain resource.
Rich views via MapStore Dashboards
Dashboards are now an integral component of GeoNode, enabling rich display of geospatial data along with charts and other widgets.
Updated Documentation
We are continuing our work on the documentation in order to make it better and better.
Preview of GeoNode 4
GeoNode 4 can be previewed using the demo instance available here. A deep refactor of GeoNode is being performed in order to prepare for this new release.
We just highlighted my favorite enhancements. To learn more about GeoNode 3.3.x and enjoy a 20 minutes of Q&A time with our lead GeoNode Lead Developer Alessio Fabiani, as well as, Giovanni Allegri. I cordially invite you to a free webinar on February 10 at 11:00 Eastern Time by registering at the link below!
Hope to see you virtually on February 10, meanwhile stay safe and keep strong!