Released the support for NGMP (NATO Geospatial Metadata Profile) in GeoNetwork

Dear all,
we have committed in the GeoNetwork official repository a schema plugin that deals with NGMP the Nato GeoSpatial Military Profile which is available here.
As you may know, GeoNetwork has introduced in v2.8 a mechanism for supporting pluggable schemas, that is:
A schema in GeoNetwork is a directory with stylesheets, XML schema descriptions (XSDs) and other information necessary for GeoNetwork to index, view and possibly edit content from XML metadata records.
The XML records we are dealing with are metadata following the NGMP standard, an ISO19139 application profile developed by DGIWG and NATO in order to extend the information about accessibility, releasability and classification of the data. In our use case GeoNetwork is used as a backend for harvesting prepared metadata and expose them through a CSW endpoint; it means that no editing capabilities were required.
The workplan needed to create some templates with placeholders; such templates were then processed by custom scripts that, by replacing the placeholders with information extrapolated from the real data, generated the final metadata files to be ingested in GeoNetwork .
Editing the metadata in GeoNetwork was not needed, but creating templates by hand is extremely error prone, so as a first step we implemented the validation part, by adding the NGMP schema and writing Schematron rules to enforce some major constraints. This first step allowed us to validate the templates and also to check the validity of the processed metadata.
- The ingested metadata need then to be published. Metadata dissemination is performedusing GeoNetwork itself as a viewer, so the related XSL presentation files have been developed
- through CSW: we implemented some conversion XSL files in order to present the metadata records as base ISO19139 records (e.g. mapping some NGMP specific codelist into keywords)
- exporting the XML files from the GUI: we reused the XSL templates in order to offer both the NGMP record and the record “flattened” in plain ISO19139.
If you are interested in learning about how we can help you achieving your goals with our Open Source products and professional services, do not hesitate to contact us!
The GeoSolutions team,