
FREE Webinar: Supporting Mobility and Infrastructure Decisions in Flanders with MapStore

Dear Reader, Join us on Tuesday March 25th 2025 at 3PM Central Europe, for the next free webinar as part of the GeoSolutions instructional webinar series on open-source software products, including GeoServer, GeoNode, and MapStore. On March 25th we will be featuring an interesting use case for MapStore. Our Belgian Partner Geo Solutions NV will talk about their experience with GeoServer and MapStore since they are supporting a few customers with solutions based on MapStore and GeoServer. You can register here below for free! Geo Solutions NV combines, visualizes and integrates location data in a smart and clear way. This is...

GeoNode 4.4 Free Webinar

FREE Webinar: GeoNode 4.4 Release

Dear Reader, Join us on January 30th 2025 at 11am Eastern US / 5pm Central Europe, for the next free webinar as part of the GeoSolutions instructional webinar series on open-source software products, including GeoServer, GeoNode, and MapStore. On January 30th we will be featuring the latest Release of GeoNode, Release 4.4. In the next sections we are going to describe some of the most important features that are part of this release. Meanwhile you can register here below for free! 3D Tiles Resources 3D Tiles visualization was introduced with the previous version of GeoNode, thanks to the updated MapStore framework...


FREE Webinar: MapStore at work, NORDIQ webgis product

Dear Reader, Join us on Thursday December 5th 2024 at 11AM Central Europe, for the next free webinar as part of the GeoSolutions instructional webinar series on open-source software products, including GeoServer, GeoNode, and MapStore. On December 5th we will be featuring an interesting use case for MapStore. Our Danish Partner Nordiq Group will talk about their experience with GeoServer and MapStore since they created a downstream product based on MapStore which is getting some good traction in the Danish market for local authorities. You can register here below for free! At Nordiq Group, they combine architecture, urban planning, engineering, and...


FREE Webinar: GeoServer 2.26.0 and Beyond

Dear Reader, Join us Wednesday October 30th 2024 at 11AM Eastern (11 AM Eastern / 3pm GMT / 4PM CEST), for the next free webinar as part of the GeoSolutions instructional webinar series on open-source software products, including GeoServer, GeoNode, and MapStore. On October 30th we will be featuring GeoServer. You will have the opportunity to see all the new features of the latest major release 2.26.0, discover what is coming in the near future, and interact with the core developers of GeoServer. You can register here below for free! This release introduces a wide range of new interesting features...


GeoSolutions Participating at GIS-Pro 2024 in Portland, ME October 7-10

Dear Reader, GeoSolutions will be attending and presenting at GIS-Pro 2024 October 7-10 in Portland, ME.  This will be our second URISA conference this year (the first being CalGIS in March) and - like everywhere else - we're encouraged by the increase in interest and momentum around free, open-source software for geospatial (FOSS4G).  This is evident in the full-day workshop being provided on Monday 7 OCT:  "An Overview of Open Source GIS Software" provided by Matthew and Sara Yurman of Spatial Focus, Inc. The workshop looks to cover a common open-source stack, including QGIS (Desktop GIS), PostgreSQL/PostGIS (database), and publishing...
