Meet GeoSolutions at FOSS4G Europe 2017 in Paris!

Dear Reader,
GeoSolutions is proud to announce that we will take part in 2017 FOSS4G Europe in Paris, France, from 18th to 22nd July. We will give one workshop on GeoServer as well as one on GeoNode, plus a variety of presentations covering MapStore, GeoServer and GeoNode.
The full program has been announced, here below a quick summary:
- Introduction to GeoNode (WS08), with Alessio Fabiani (GeoNode Committer and Developer). 18th of July from 11:00 to 13:00, Room L309.
- Web mapping with OGC services and GeoServer (WS12), with Andrea Aime (GeoServer PSC Member). 18th of July from 14:00 to 18:00, Room L112.
- GeoNode, the Open Source geospatial CMS, with Alessio Fabiani (GeoNode Committer and Developer). 19th of July, 16:00, Room Cauchy.
- State of GeoServer, with Andrea Aime (GeoServer PSC Member). 21th of July, 11:00, Room Cauchy.
- Serving earth observation data with GeoServer: addressing real world requirements, with Andrea Aime (GeoServer PSC Member). 21th of July, 12:00, Room Cauchy.
- Mastering Security with GeoServer and GeoFence, with Mauro Bartolomeoli (GeoServer Committer, MapStore Architect). 21th of July, 16:30, Room Picard.
- MapStore 2, modern mashups with OL3, Leaflet and React, with Mauro Bartolomeoli (GeoServer Committer, MapStore Architect). 20th of July, 17:00, Room Navier.
You can get the full details about all the workshops here and the final program here.
If you want further information, don’t hesitate to contact us. Looking forward to see you in Paris!
The GeoSolutions Team,