GeoSolutions is attending GEOINT 2020!

Dear Reader,
One of the first actions GeoSolutions USA took was to join USGIF and submit a training proposal to the 2020 GEOINT Symposium, which will take place in Tampa, April 22-26. Why? Because tools that support open standards are critical to ensure interoperability of GEOINT.
I have provided training for the last 3 years about OGC standards and how they can efficiently support geospatial intelligence needs. This year I will be more practical and talk about robust open source tools (MapStore, GeoServer and GeoNode) that implement open standards and that enable efficient management, dissemination and visualization of raster and vector data.
The training titled “Building Interoperable Spatial Data Infrastructures with GeoServer and MapStore” will take place on Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 7:00 AM in room 23. If you attend the training, expect to:
- Learn about GeoServer and its support for WMS, WFS, WMTS, Vector tiles, GeoPackage, new OGC APIs, advance styling and more.
- Learn about MapStore, a slick web and mobile client to view and edit maps, create mashups, create dashboards and map stories.
- Learn about projects that are efficiently using GeoServer and MapStore in production systems in Azure and Amazon clouds.
Will be thrilled to also meet you at our booth 1530 and discuss how we can help you.
If you want further information or if you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Looking forward to seeing you in Tampa!