Meet GeoSolutions at FOSS4G Europe 2015 in Como!

Dear Reader,
GeoSolutions is proud to announce that we will take part in 2015 FOSS4G Europe in Como, Italy, from 14th to 17th July. We will give one workshop and two presentations on GeoServer, here below you find the details.
- GeoServer on steroids: getting the best out of GeoServer. 14th July Afternoon, W08, with Andrea Aime – This workshop will show how to get from a basic set up to a battle ready, rock solid installation by showing the ropes an advanced user already mastered.
- Advanced Cartographic Rendering in GeoServer. 15th July, Room VS.9, 2:50 PM, Andrea Aime – This presentation will provide hints, examples and enough information to master SLD in order to create beatiful maps with GeoServer.
- Managing MetOc and Remote Sensing data with GeoServer. 17th July, Auditorium 2, 11:10 AM, Simone Giannecchini – This presentation will provide detailed information on how to ingest and configure spatio-temporal data in GeoServer, to be served using OGC services, with examples from WMS and WCS services.
You can get the full details about all the workshops here and find the complete presentations’ program here.
If you want further information, don’t hesitate to contact us. Looking forward to see you in Como!
The GeoSolutions Team,