Upcoming INSPIRE Free Webinar: Smart Data Loader and Templating for GeoServer

Dear Reader,
We are excited to invite you to the free online workshop “Smart Data Loader and Templating for GeoServer” to be held on February 11th at 14h00 CET (UTC+1). This workshop was created in partnership with our colleagues from DataCove e.U. and BRGM/ “INSIDE – environmental information systems research center” in context of the API4INSPIRE study under ELISE action.
The workshop will cover the new enhancements that have been implemented in GeoServer to empower even more the publishing of INSPIRE data sets through GeoServer OGC services, including the new OGC API – Features. We will also demonstrate the next generation of GeoServer data mapping tools that offer an What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) approach, as shown below.
Going into more details, we will cover:
- Smart Data Loader: In contrast to the existing GeoServer App Schema configuration, where in-depth knowledge of the target data model is essential for configuration, under Smart Data Loader the structure of the data to be exposed is dependent purely on the underlying data source; a schema is generated mimicking the native database structure, and the data exposed in accordance. During configuration, starting from an initial table, the user can interactively specify to which depth the associated data will be nested, pruning those aspects that need not be externalized. The output of this step is made available via OGC API – Features, to be further refined via Feature Templating.

Domain model WHYSIWYG configuration in GeoServer using the new Smart Data Loader Tool
- Feature Templating: Feature templating is where we align the output of the Smart Data Loader described above with the data models users are expecting. Here we’ve opted for a WYSIWYG approach, allowing the user to start with the final target, e.g., a simple JSON example, and then specify where the data content is to be taken from, e.g., an existing endpoint configured either via Smart Data Loader or also via the more traditional App Schema. With this templating approach, it becomes very simple to provide different profiles on one data source, each tailored to the needs of a specific community. At present templates can be specified in GeoJSON and JSON-LD; future work will extend this to XML (GML) and HTML. This is demonstrated in the video above.
The official workshop page with registration information is available here below.
If you are interested in learning more about how we can help you achieve your needs related to GeoServer, GeoNode and GeoNetwork through our Enterprise Support Services and Subscription Services please contact us!
The GeoSolutions team,