
Developer’s Corner: MapStore 1.0.0 released!

Dear All,we are proud to announce that we just released MapStore version 1.0.0.This is the first official release of MapStore, the simple and intuitive way to create, save and share maps.MapStore is based on the GeoExplorer Open Source framework and is licensed under the GPL license.With MapStore you can mashup contents from Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, MapQuest, Bing or specific WMS services provided by you or third party content providers. MapStore uses internally GeoStore, (the GeoSolutions Open Source engine for resource storing and retrieving) for managing users   as well as maps definitions. Moreover MapStore uses Http-proxy to communicate with remote servers, such as the third party WMS services used in your maps.Visit...


GeoSolutions al XIV meeting degli utenti italiani GRASS e GFOSS

GeoSolutions sarà presente al XIV meeting degli utenti italiani GRASS e GFOSS che si terrà a Genova  presso la Scuola Politecnica dell'Università degli Studi di Genova dal 6 al 9 Febbraio 2013 con una serie di talk ed un workshop su GeoServer.Citando la pagina principale del meeting:L'incontro si rivolge alla comunità italiana di utenti di software libero per il trattamento delle informazioni geografiche ed ai nuovi potenziali utenti, appartenenti al mondo della ricerca, al settore privato e commerciale o alla Pubblica Amministrazione.Sarà un'occasione per confrontarsi, condividere ricerche, problemi ed esperienze e per presentare il proprio lavoro ad un'ampia comunità.Durante la...


Developer’s Corner: GeoServer-Manager 1.5.1 released

Dear All,this short blog post is for sharing with you that we just released GeoServer-Manager version 1.5.1.Here's a list of changes:#53 updated LayerGroup reading to support the soon to be released GeoServer 2.3#53 added methods to read and delete LayerGroups inside workspaces#50 added methods to create and update LayerGroups#51 improved Stores management and testsWe have also updated the documentation with examples on how to use the new methods.This version of GeoServer-Manager is compatible with GeoServer 2.2 and is the first release to be compatible with GeoServer 2.3.If you have questions or if you just want to talk to us about the...


Developer’s Corner: Using Default ImageMosaic CQL filter in GeoServer

Dear All,in this post we would like to describe how we did help our FAO colleagues with managing their huge ImageMosaics (containing multiple dimensions) by implementing an ImageMosaic improvement for GeoServer (2.2.x and 2.3.x) that allows to specify a default value for the Filter parameter it exposes.Before proceeding it is worth to provide some background information on how to create an ImageMosaic with additional dimensions (a-la WMS). Here below you can find some videos that shows how to do that.The ImageMosaic plugin gives you the possibility to configure a mosaic using an index that contains additional attributes which can be used to...


GeoSolutions’ Presentations from the GFOSS Day 2012

Dear All,I am posting here all the presentation we gave at the GFOSS Day 2012 event in Turin about MapStore, GeoServer and GeoNetwork so that you can find them easily. Enjoy! GFOSS DAY 2012 GeoNetwork Presentation from GeoSolutions GFOSS Day 2012 MapStore Presentation from GeoSolutions GFOSS Day 2012 GeoServer Presentation from GeoSolutions The GeoSolutions team,
