
Robust Clustering Solution for GeoServer

Dear All,in this post we'd like to introduce some work that we have performed in order to provide robust support support for clustered GeoServer deployments with an emphasis on publishing new layers in real-time.As you might know there are various approaches with GeoServer that can be used to implement a clustered deployment, based on different mixes of data directory sharing plus configuration reload. However, these techniques have intrinsic limitations therefore we decided to create a specific GeoServer Clustering Extension in order to overcome them. It is worth to point out that what we are going to describe is designed to...


GeoSolutions porta il GeoServer a Valenzia

Si è svolto con successo il workshop su GeoServer organizzato da GeoSolutions durante le settime giornate internazionali gvSIG a Valenzia. Sono stati molti i partecipanti alle giornate che hanno deciso di dedicare 2 ore alla scoperta di GeoServer.Il workshop si è svolto in inglese durante una manifestazione spagnola dove la maggior parte degli interventi avveniva nella lingua nazionale, ma questo non ha fatto desistere i partecipanti che hanno mostrato al contrario un grande interesse.  Un ringraziamento alla gvSIG association per il sostegno al software open source manifestato attraverso l'organizzazione di un evento con lo scopo di condividere esperienze a livello internazionale e per il supporto...


GeoServer and GeoSolutions @ gvSIG Days 2011

GeoSolutions will attend the 5th edition of the gvSIG Conference, organized by the Regional Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (CIT) from December 2nd until December 4th at the Feria Valencia Convention and Exhibition Center.  Ing. Simone Giannecchini will provide an introductive workshop on GeoServer, therefore make sure you take note of the exact time on the conference program and you make room in your schedule for attending the event.Check this link for more details.See you in Valencia!The GeoSolutions team.


Serving Meteo data with GeoServer, GeoBatch and GeoNetwork: the LaMMA use case

Dear All,in this post I'd like to talk about the work we have done for the LaMMA consortium.The ProblemThe purpose of this project is to build a complete Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) to provide a spatio-temporal raster data processing, publishing, and interactive visualisation facility. This platform is candidate to substitute the current one which was already built leveraging on Open Source software but which was rather static and contained no OGC services.The data that will be ingested into the system is generated by an existing processing infrastructure which produces a set of different MetOc models. Our goal is to manage the geophysical...
