
BigTiff support ready in ImageIO-Ext trunk

Dear all,we are pleased to announce that ImageI/O-Ext 1.1.x (trunk) now supports BigTIFF!We have tagged a 1.1M06-07-2010 version which contains it and we have also deployed maven artifacts for the snapshots as well as the above mentioned tag inside our maven repository:  http:// maven.geo-solutions.itTests and feedbacks are very welcome.It is worth to point out that soon GeoServer trunk and GeoTools trunk will be able to access bigtiff as well!  Regards,the GeoSolutions team.


Introducing GeoSolutions Enterprise Services

GeoSolutions is proud to offer four levels of enterprise support services centered on the GeoServer platform to help organizations with building enterprise-class Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), integrating and tuning best-of-breed Open Source geospatial frameworks, into what we call the OpenSDI suite.Thanks to its extensive experience in building and supporting enterprise class geospatial infrastructures, GeoSolutions will provide your organization with an outstanding level of support through the full project lifecycle for a successful and stress-free deployment.If your organization was refraining from adopting Open Source software in the enterprise due to lack of professional support, we are here to help. Start investing on features...


News from OSGIS 2010

Dear All,I just wanted to write a few lines about the OSGIS 2010 event that took place last week in Nottingham, UK.As you can see from the agenda the FOSS4G tribe was represented almost entirely; people from all over the world were attending and/or presenting.As of the first day's workshops, it is a shame I have not been able to attend many of them, but just the Ordnance Survey OpenSpace event, which has been very interesting.As far as the second day's presentations are concerned, I had the opportunity to check of them. I have to say that I have much...


GeoSolutions presentation @ OSGIS 2010

GeoSolutions will be present at OSGIS 2010, the Open Source GIS UK (OSGIS) Conference, which will be held on 21-22 June at the Centre for Geospatial Science University of Nottingham.Ing. Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions' founder as well as GeoServer PSC and GeoTools PMC member, will give a presentation titled "Using GeoServer for interoperable management and dissemination of geospatial data", which will provide a quick introduction on the GeoServer geospatial framework.If you are attending the conference and are interested in knowing more about GeoServer or GeoSolutions services, Ing. Giannecchini will be glad to provide you with all the information you need.


[FIX] GeoTools and GeoServer ( < 2.1.4) not able to load raster plugins with latest Tomcat

The ProblemLately some GeoTools and GeoServer ( < 2.1.4) users reported issues related to GeoTools raster plugins not being properly loaded in Tomcat 6.0.24 and above.Typical scenario is as follows: Geoserver deployed in Tomcat 6.0.26 along with the GDAL ImageIO-Ext extensions. The available GDAL formats properly appear in the Store user interface but, when trying to configure a new coverage, an error is reported and the logs shows the following messageCaused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Incorrect input type! at javax.imageio.ImageReader.setInput( at it.geosolutions.imageio.gdalframework.GDALImageReader.setInput( causeBehind the scenes this is what is happening:In latest Tomcat releases a huge amount of work has been put in...
