
GeoServer workshop at FOSS4G-IT

Sorry, this is a post for the Italian-speaking users.Salve a tutti, siamo lieti di annunciare che l'Ing. Alessio Fabiani e l'Ing Simone Giannecchini saranno presenti al FOSS4G-IT anche noto come 'XI meeting degli utenti di lingua italiana di GRASS e GFOSS', con un workshop ed una presentazione su GeoServer (programma)I contenuti del workshop sono descritti qui sotto.GeoServer è un server geospaziale ricco di funzionalità avanzate, concepito ed implementato per supportare standard OGC, quali WMS, WFS e WCS.Scopo di questo workshop e' fornire all'utente una panoramica delle funzionalita' offerte dal Geoserver per la gestione e la pubblicazione di dati geospaziali, corredando...


Seeking GIS Business Developer & Sales Manager

Dear all,we are currently looking for a business developer/ sales manager in order to manage and expand our network of clients.You can get a more detailed description from here:Job OfferView more documents from GeoSolutions.If you are interested, please, drop us an email at to discuss this further.


Seeking GIS Business Developer & Sales Manager

Dear all,we are currently looking for a business developer/ sales manager in order to manage and expand our network of clients.You can get a more detailed description from here:Job OfferView more documents from GeoSolutions.If you are interested, please, drop us an email at to discuss this further.


Adding TIME and ELEVATION support to GeoServer and Mosaic plugin

Ciao a tutti,in my previous post I showed a preview of the work we are doing to be able to serve raster datasets with support with TIME and ELEVATION in both WMS and WCS. We have been doing some more progresses with this work and now we can support the ELEVATION keyword as well in WMS queries, therefore I wanted to show some screenshots.Here below you see some screenshots of of the water temperature over the Ligurian see with the respective requests, first at the same timestamp at increasing depths, then at a certain depth with increasing timestamps. Notice that...


Adding TIME support to GeoServer and Mosaic plugin

Ciao a tutti,lately I have been working on adding support in GeoServer for the TIME keyword in GetMap requests by updating the ImageMosaic plugin. The work is being performed on trunk but I might backport to 2.0.x, funding permitting, when it will be ready to roll.The goals are as follows:Ability to select a certain number of granules from the mosaic index based on the actual values of a TIME attributeMake the TIME mechanism transparent if not neededAllow users to update the granule index over time adding new granulesThe scenario I am trying to cope with is the following:I have a...
