
GeoServer presentation @ Italian GFOSS day 2008

During last year's italian GFOSS day (see here) I gave a presentation on GeoServer, specifically "GeoServer, interoperabilita' à la carte". I have found it laying around on my hard drive therefore I am posting it here, in case someone can't sleep because he is not able to find it. Notice, it is in Italian!GeoServer presentation @ Italian GFOSS day 2008View more documents from GeoSolutions.


Job offer @ GeoSolutions

We are looking for talentedsoftware engineers to fill a couple of positions.Qualifications as follows:- good knowledge of Java both JEE and JSE- good knowledge of c++- knowledge of most important OGC specifications and concepts (WMS,WFS, WCS, coverage, etc...)- working knowledge on at least 2 of the following projects: Geotools,GeoServer, Gdal, OpenLayers- at least 2 years of experience in the above languages and projects- being fluent in English, both written and spokenWe offer a variety of contracts, working remotely is the preferred option.Please send a detailed resume together with a letter of presentationat jobs at


FOSS4G 2009 Abstract selected

I have just received notice that one of the abstracts I submitted to FOSS4G 2009 has been voted enough to make into a presentation. The title is "GeoServer, GeoTools and GeoBatch: supporting operational Meteorology and Oceanography" and you can find more info here.So, yeah , see you in Sydney!


Hibernating GeoServer: seeking for scalability and robustness

I thought it would have been worth spending a few minutes to let people know about this development that we are bringing forward at GeoSolutions.Being not only GeoServer developers but also GeoServer hungry users, we have been a bit unpleased in the past by the scalability problems that it was showing by the fact that:GeoServer was keeping all its configuration into memoryGeoServer was making use XML files to handle its internal configurationNow a lot of work has been lately for the upcoming 2.0 version of GeoServer, however, while 2 has been made less evident by GSIP 36 1 has not...


Supporting FAO Fishery department with a custom GeoServer DataStore for Oracle

GeoSolutions is collaborating with FAO Fishery department in order to improve the statistical GIS application "Atlas of Tuna and Billfish Catches".The interactive version of the Atlas of Tuna and Billfish Catches presents the global distribution of 1950 to 2003 catches, at 5° latitude by 5° longitude resolution, of those tuna and tuna-like species for which this distribution is generally well known on the global scale. These species consist of the so-called principal market tunas and some billfishes.Its refactoring mainly consists into switching the actual architecture which produces static snapshots of the statistic requested by the users through a parameter selection...
