
GeoSolutions sponsorizza il GFOSS Day 2010

GeoSolutions è orgogliosa di annunciare la sua partecipazione come sponsor SILVER alla terza conferenza italiana sul software geografico libero, GFOSS DAY 2010 che si terrà a Foligno (PG) il 18 e 19 Novembre 2010.GeoSolutions proporrrà inoltre un workshop di due ore sul GeoServer.  Per iscriversi al workshop è necessario registrarsi alla conferenza in quanto la partecipazione al workshop  è limitata dalla disponibilità di computer. Il team di GeoSolutions.


Workshop su GeoServer al GFOSS DAY 2010

GeoSolutions will hold a 2 hours GeoServer workshop at GFOSS DAY 2010,  the annual gathering of the Italian FOSS4G crowd.The workshop will provide a quick introduction to the GeoServer framework and will mainly focus on:basic installationbasic data configuration and publishingbasic data exploitationIn case you are around and you want to attend the workshop, make sure to register for the conference since seats are limited!The GeoSolutions team.


A new file chooser for GeoServer

Creating a new shapefile or directory store in GeoServer is nowadays quite easy, you basically just have to specify the path to the file or the directory and GeoServer figures out the rest. However, that still requires you to hand type the path to the file.I normally don't mind when running GeoServer locally, but it sure gets annoying when GeoServer is deployed on a remote host and a ssh session is needed to pick up the exact paths.However it's really doing GeoServer workshops that one sees poeople used to desktop software getting out of their comfort zone with this "type...


"Geoserver for the masses" from the Tanzanian GIS User Group

Dear All,just spreading the word on this nice article that evaluates/introduces GeoServer as a tools to easily disseminate geosaptial data. We are actually very proud to hear the following:Although GeoServer will not find the same audience as Google Earth it helps by leveling the field when it comes to providing spatial data by the use of servers. Where one earlier would need detailed knowledge (and funding) to set up ESRI products, one may now do the same investing only a couple of hours of work. Within hours you could be able to present spatial data within your own organization, or even externally...


“Geoserver for the masses” from the Tanzanian GIS User Group

Dear All,just spreading the word on this nice article that evaluates/introduces GeoServer as a tools to easily disseminate geosaptial data. We are actually very proud to hear the following:Although GeoServer will not find the same audience as Google Earth it helps by leveling the field when it comes to providing spatial data by the use of servers. Where one earlier would need detailed knowledge (and funding) to set up ESRI products, one may now do the same investing only a couple of hours of work. Within hours you could be able to present spatial data within your own organization, or even externally...
