
GeoServer e GeoSolutions ad ASITA 2011

GeoSolutions sarà presente alla 15esima conferenza nazionale ASITA 2011 che si terrà alla Reggia di Colorno, Parma nei giorni dal 15 al 18 Novembre 2011.In particolare il giorno 18 Novembre l'Ing. Simone Giannecchini, uno dei fondatori di GeoSolutions e membro permanente del comitato di controllo di vari progetti Open Source,  discuterà delle potenzialità del prodotto GeoServer durante la Sessione 31, "Cartografia: gestione, aggiornamento, visualizzazione".Ci vediamo ad ASITA!The GeoSolutions team.


GeoServer News: Hiding layers from the capabilities document

Hi all,in this blog post we would like to talk about a new functionality that we has just introduced in GeoServer, the layer "advertised" flag.As you know, ignoring security settings for the moment, all enabled layers configured in GeoServer are made available though all the OGC services for which they make sense: vector layers are published automatically to WMS and WFS, raster layers to WMS and WCS.This is a fine default behavior, but in some cases one would like that the layer was there, but without making the layer known to the general public. Tipical use cases:you want to expose...


GeoServer Aggregating DataStore: Aggregate and republish from several data sources

When it comes to publishing data with GeoServer the most common case is to publish layers that one owns and that can store and serve fully from the local premises.There are however cases in which a dataset with a uniform structure is handled by several different entities, each one making it available to others, but with no unified view of the data itself.This might be due to geographical distribution of the stakeholders, separate ownerships, administrative subdivisions: a typical case is a set of local public administrations, all publishing the same, or similar, data set in a independent way.For this use...


GeoSolutions Talks @ FOSS4G 2011

Dear All,it looks like we will have some busy times at FOSS4G this week.If you check this search you can see a few interesting talks that we will give, let's group them by topic:GeoServerThe State of GeoServer Wed, 09/14/2011 - 1:00pm - 1:30pmGeoServer on steroids Wed, 09/14/2011 - 1:30pm - 2:00pmAdvanced cartographic map rendering in GeoServer Wed, 09/14/2011 - 2:00pm - 2:30pmRaster data in GeoServer and GeoTools: Achievements, issues and future developments Wed, 09/14/2011 - 3:00pm - 3:30pmThe status of GeoServer WPS Thu, 09/15/2011 - 2:00pm - 2:30pmGeoToolsRaster data in GeoServer and GeoTools: Achievements, issues and future developments Wed, 09/14/2011 -...
