

GeoServer OSM styles, full data directory available

Our GeoServer technical lead, Andrea Aime, presented, during FOSS4G 2019, Bucharest, Standing up an OpenStreeMap clone with GeoServer. The presentation, also available as a video, introduces the audience to the machinery supporting the OSM like map available in the GeoServer home page. That's a large body of work, which improved GeoServer CSS styling, added new rendering engine features, as well as improved map rendering performance for complex maps. You can also have a look at it in our MapStore client embedded here below. Some static  example outputs are reported below. Back at the time, we released the set of CSS styles backing the...

MapStore Release 2020.01.00

MapStore Release 2020.01.00

Dear Reader, We are pleased to announce the release 2020.01.00 of MapStore, our flagship Open Source WebGIS product. The full list of changes for this release can be found here, but the most interesting ones are listed below: Background selector: now users with write permissions to the map can edit background layers from the user interface Drag and drop improved on TOC: now drag and drop works also between different groups Edit map permission directly from the map viewer: now you can edit map permission when creating a new map, not only from home Additional map viewer query parameters: you can now load MapStore by dynamically dispatching...


GeoSolutions is attending GEOINT 2020!

Dear Reader, One of the first actions GeoSolutions USA took was to join USGIF and submit a training proposal to the 2020 GEOINT Symposium, which will take place in Tampa,  April 22-26. Why? Because tools that support open standards are critical to ensure interoperability of GEOINT.   I have provided training for the last 3 years about OGC standards and how they can efficiently support geospatial intelligence needs. This year I will be more practical and talk about robust open source tools (MapStore, GeoServer and GeoNode) that implement open standards and that enable efficient management, dissemination and visualization of raster and vector data. The training titled “Building Interoperable Spatial Data...


GeoSolutions al FOSS4G-IT 2020 a Torino

Cari lettori, GeoSolutions sarà presente alla conferenza italiana sul software geografico e sui dati geografici liberi (FOSS4G-IT 2020) nei giorni dal 18 al 22 Febbraio 2020 a Torino.  Le giornate del 18 e 19 Febbraio saranno dedicate a workshop introduttivi su vari software tra cui MapStore e GeoNode. Nelle giornate successive (20 e 21 Febbraio) si terrà la conferenza vera e propria, con interventi sui principali progetti in ambito FOSS4G. Infine nella giornata del 22 Febbraio si terranno delle attività specifiche su OpenStreetMap. Il programma completo della conferenza è disponibile a questo link. GeoSolutions sarà presente con alcune presentazioni e workshop sui propri prodotti Open Source....

inspire 2020

Meet GeoSolutions at INSPIRE Conference 2020

Dear All, we are proud to announce that GeoSolutions is exhibiting at the INSPIRE Conference 2020 which will be held in Dubrovnik (Croatia) from 12 to 15 of May 2020. GeoSolutions will be present at the exhibition with our INSPIRE & GeoServer expert Nuno Oliveira, therefore we will be happy to talk to you about our open source products GeoServer, Mapstore, GeoNode and GeoNetwork, as well as about our Enterprise Support Services and GeoServer Subscription offerings. We are going to deliver our beloved workshop on GeoServer for INSPIRE called Publishing INSPIRE services with GeoServer and HALE but we are preparing  an updated version of the workshop to cover the following...



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