
GeoServer workshops and presentations at FOSS4G-NA 2015

Dear Reader, GeoSolutions is proud to announce that Andrea Aime, our technical lead on GeoServer will attend this year FOSS4G North America in San Francisco to give a workshop and presentation on GeoServer itself. The conference will take place at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport  between 9th and 12th of Marc2015. Specifically the 9th will be dedicated to workshops (here is the workshop schedule) while presentations will be given on 10th, 11th and 12th. The schedule for our workshop is as follows: GeoServer, an introdutction for beginners with Andre Aime, 9th of March 2015 from 9 to 12 - The workshop will provide the attendees with an in-depth introduction to the GeoServer Open...


Protecting GeoServer with CAS in an Enterprise environment

Dear Readers, in this post we will show a practical use case taking advantages from the GeoServer CAS authentication provider extension. A small introduction first. As you may already know, GeoServer ships with an highly configurable security subsystem based on Spring Security. This has been completely re-engineered, providing a more secure and flexible authentication framework. We are not going to provide techincal details of the security framework in this blog, but it is worth to highlight few features which are quite interesting. Multiple authentication mechanisms can be active within GeoServer at a given time. The following figure illustrates the flow...


UK GEMINI 2.2 schema plugin for GeoNetwork

Dear all, We have released in the GeoNetwork official repository a schema plugin that deals with the UK GEMINI (GEo-spatial Metadata INteroperability INitiative) v2.2. UK GEMINI v2.2 is an application profile of ISO19139, which follows the  metadatarequirements for  the EU INSPIRE Directive. You can find the standard specifications here. The schema plugin mechanism enables GeoNetwork to edit, visualise and disseminate metadata expressed in any format, once you provide XSD schemas for the format, and a set of XSL files which tell GeoNetwork how the metadata document should be processed. GeoNetwork was the reference metadata editor for GEMINI v2.1, and a...


Training GeoServer con GeoSolutions al GFOSS DAY 2014

GeoSolutions sarà presente alla settima conferenza italiana sul software geografico e sui dati geografici liberi (GFOSS DAY 2014) con un workshop su GeoServer. Giovedì 7 Novembre dalle ore 9:30 alle ore 13:00, Tobia Di Pisa insieme a Diego Guidi (membro dello staff del nostro partner Esalab) terranno un workshop introduttivo su GeoServer, introducendo gli studenti alle sue potenzialità per quanto riguarda la gestione e disseminazione dei dati geospaziali secondo protocolli standard Vi aspettiamo per parlare di come poter soddisfare i vostri bisogni attraverso i nostri prodotti ed i nostri piani di supporto professionale per software geospaziale Open Source incentrati sulla OpenSDI Suite. The GeoSolutions team,



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