
GeoServer Workshop and Presentations at the FOSS4G Europe 2014

Dear Reader, we are proud to announce that Andrea Aime, our technical lead on GeoServer, will attend this year FOSS4G Europe to give a workshop as well as a few presentations. The conference will be hosted by the Jacobs University in Bremen between 15th of July and 17th of July (here is the conference program), while the 14th of July will be dedicated to workshops (here is the workshop schedule). The schedule for our talks will be as follows: Web mapping with OGC services and GeoServer: an introduction (Workshop) 14th of July between 9 A.M. and 12 A.M. GeoServer on...


Esalab si unisce al programma di partnership di GeoSolutions!

GeoSolutions è lieta di annunciare l’accordo di Partnership raggiunto con l’azienda Esalab S.r.l. grazie al quale Esalab S.r.l. rappresenterà GeoSolutions  nelle regioni di Marche, Abruzzo e Basilicata. L’accordo di Partnership tra GeoSolutions e Esalab costituisce l’inizio di un percorso che ha l’obiettivo di creare una rete di imprese coinvolte nello sviluppo e nella promozione dei principali software geospaziali Open Source da sempre promossi e sviluppati da GeoSolutions. La costruzione di una rete di imprese dislocate sul territorio nazionale e internazionale in grado di supportare gli utenti e di promuovere professionalmente i software geospaziali Open Source GeoServer, GeoNetwork e MapStore mira a raggiungere...


Esalab joins GeoSolutions Alliance Partnership Program

GeoSolutions and Esalab are glad to announce their Partnership. Esalab will be the exclusive representative company of the OpenSDI Suite (GeoServer, GeoWebCache, GeoNetwork and MapStore) for the following italian regions: Marche, Abruzzo and Basilicata. Since more than ten years Esalab develops products and projects relating to geospatial field based on GeoServer and integrated with GeoNetwork. The Partnership program between GeoSolutions and Esalab allows the two companies to offer a more and more qualified support to the end users. GeoSolutions Alliance Program GeoSolutions Alliance Program is the partnership program for companies that want to extend their market reach by adding or boosting their skills on GeoSpatial Open...


Developer’s Corner: Raster Views in GeoServer via the CoverageView concept

Dear Readers, in this post we would like to talk about some developments we have performed lately to support coverage views in GeoServer where a CoverageView is made by composing different bands originally available inside coverages (either bands of the same coverage or different coverages) of the same store. Some examples of usage of this capability: Right now, physical entities for some metoc models are exposed as different coverages in GeoServer. As an instance, if you think about a NetCDF dataset storing meteo model, you may have an U coverage for the U component of the Wind and a V coverage for...


Developer’s Corner: Advanced Raster Projection in GeoServer

Dear Readers, in this post we would like to talk about some developments we are performing lately to implement a projection handling subsystem for raster, similar to the one we have for vectors which allows us to handles vector data that crosses the international dataline change as well as to replicated vector data over and over to have a seamless continuous map. In this post we are going to describe the work that needs to be done to achieve this goal in GeoServer. It is going to be a very technical post, sharing information at developer level in case you...



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