

Developer’s Corner: Raster Views in GeoServer via the CoverageView concept

Dear Readers, in this post we would like to talk about some developments we have performed lately to support coverage views in GeoServer where a CoverageView is made by composing different bands originally available inside coverages (either bands of the same coverage or different coverages) of the same store. Some examples of usage of this capability: Right now, physical entities for some metoc models are exposed as different coverages in GeoServer. As an instance, if you think about a NetCDF dataset storing meteo model, you may have an U coverage for the U component of the Wind and a V coverage for...


Developer’s Corner: Advanced Raster Projection in GeoServer

Dear Readers, in this post we would like to talk about some developments we are performing lately to implement a projection handling subsystem for raster, similar to the one we have for vectors which allows us to handles vector data that crosses the international dataline change as well as to replicated vector data over and over to have a seamless continuous map. In this post we are going to describe the work that needs to be done to achieve this goal in GeoServer. It is going to be a very technical post, sharing information at developer level in case you...


Developer’s Corner: MapStore 1.6 released with Templates and Mobile Android Version!

We are proud to announce the new official release 1.6 of MapStore, the simple and intuitive way to create, save and share maps. MapStore is free and Open Source software as it is licensed under the GPL license. Here is a list of the most important features included in this release: #337 Introduced Basic MapStore Templating System #339 Use Widgets instead plugins for new SpatialSelectorQuery form #350 FeatureGrid fixes #352 BBox query form or spatial query with manually added WMS servers bug #355 Translations for Spatial Selectors and Spatial Selector Query form #361 JS Error Importing .map context in Chrome bug #364 QueryForm bytype value widgets and optional validation #366 Manager translation review #367 Imported...


Developers’ Corner: Unveiling GeoServer Active Clustering Extension

Dear all, today we want to talk about our Active Clustering Extension for GeoServer, which is, let's cover this right away so that you won't be wondering, avaible as Free and Open Source. Clustering GeoServer can be requested in order to achieve an Highly Available set up and/or in order to achieve more scalability.  Regardless of the reason why you intend to create a clustered deployment for GeoServer there are a limitations that must be taken into account and where possible worked around. You can find additional information about this limitations at this link. The main limitation when it comes to installing...


Developer’s Corner: ImageIO-Ext 1.1.10 Release

Hi all, We would like to introduce the ImageIO-Ext 1.1.10 release. This release provides a much needed fix for Issue #75. This issue was raised from a bug found on the PNG pure Java Encoder due to a wrong handling of the 8-bit images with alpha channel. Artifacts for Imageio-Ext have been deployed as usual on the  OSGEO maven repository. You can check this page for additional information on the release. The GeoSolutions team,



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