
ASITA 2018

GeoSolutions presente ad ASITA 2022

GeoSolutions sarà presente alla conferenza nazionale ASITA dal 20 al 24 Giugno 2022 a Genova con un proprio stand, dove vi aspettano per parlare di come poter soddisfare i vostri bisogni attraverso i nostri prodotti Open Source GeoServer, MapStore e GeoNode ed attraverso i nostri piani di supporto professionale e consulenza. Durante la conferenze i tecnici di GeoSolutions prenderanno parte Martedì 22 Giugno dalle ore 11:00 alle ore 13:30 alla sessione parallela "L’uso del software geografico libero nella Pubblica Amministrazione: realtà (ancora) o sperimentazione?" con un intervento dal titolo "Il Geoportale del Comune di Genova: progettazione, implementazione e lessons learned" con Tobia Di Pisa....


Upcoming Free Webinar: From Esri Geodatabase to PostGIS and GeoServer, tips and tricks

Dear Reader, We are excited to invite you to a new GeoSolutions free webinar "From Esri Geodatabase to PostGIS and GeoServer, tips and tricks" to be held on December 3rd at 11:00 AM ET. The Webinar will cover tips and tricks to export Esri Geodatabases to PostGIS and serving them via GeoServer. The Esri Geodatabase is the native structure of how Esri's products are store and share among and Esri's based infrastructure. Making a Geodatabase available to GeoServer so it can be access through WFS, without loosing any data, can be a little bit tricky. There are sophisticate tools that can help move the data from Esri sources to PostGIS. For...


Serving your data with GeoServer in the cloud – Enabling secure access from ArcMap, QGIS and other clients

My last blog titled "Adding Secured WMS and WFS Services from GeoServer to ArcGIS Online" generated good comments and suggestions. One suggestion was to provide the same guidance but when accessing GeoServer layers through ArcMap or other clients (e.g QGIS and web browsers). Another comment was to provide more details about how to setup GeoServer, in the context of Software as a Service (SaaS), to provide subscriptions to geospatial data using GeoServer.  This blog provides these additional information with more details about setting up GeoServer to enable an organization to provide access to its data in the cloud, following a simple scenario, using basic authentication. At the end of the blog,...


Adding Secured WMS and WFS Services from GeoServer to ArcGIS Online

Open Standards have enabled interoperability of systems. Nowadays we can see  proprietary solutions communicating successfully with open source software. A typical example is an organization publishing data via GeoServer and users using ArcGIS Online to create maps using data from GeoServer.  Some GeoSolutions customers use this hybrid approach of publishing secured data in GeoServer and enabling customers to use their Esri tools. Terradex is one example. GeoSolutions has enabled Terradex to published secure layers via GeoServer for contaminated land, conservation land and pipeline easements to increase the reliability of cleanup remedies reliant on institutional or engineering controls. Our customers use Esri’s ArcGIS...


GeoServer Bug Stump Code Sprint July 2-3 2020

Dear Reader, GeoSolutions, along with the GeoServer community, is participating in a two days long “GeoServer Bug Fix Code Sprint”, on July the 2nd and the 3rd. The sprint also happens to overlap with the Bolsena Online Code Sprint 2020, so we’ll end up sharing some of the infrastructure and enjoying the good company of other sprinters! This sprint revives and seeks to improve the old monthly bug fix code sprint, that we used to do before. From those sprints, we learned that bugs that can be assigned to less experienced developers, because they seem like a one day fix, are hard to find. That was...



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