
ASITA 2018

GeoSolutions presente ad ASITA 2022

GeoSolutions sarà presente alla conferenza nazionale ASITA dal 20 al 24 Giugno 2022 a Genova con un proprio stand, dove vi aspettano per parlare di come poter soddisfare i vostri bisogni attraverso i nostri prodotti Open Source GeoServer, MapStore e GeoNode ed attraverso i nostri piani di supporto professionale e consulenza. Durante la conferenze i tecnici di GeoSolutions prenderanno parte Martedì 22 Giugno dalle ore 11:00 alle ore 13:30 alla sessione parallela "L’uso del software geografico libero nella Pubblica Amministrazione: realtà (ancora) o sperimentazione?" con un intervento dal titolo "Il Geoportale del Comune di Genova: progettazione, implementazione e lessons learned" con Tobia Di Pisa....


GeoStory: A powerful feature for GeoNode

Dear Reader, One of the most powerful feature brought by GeoNode 4.0 is the possibility to create GeoStories. GeoStories provide a simple way to combine interactive maps, multimedia content, timelines and narrative text to create digital storytelling. The tools included in the GeoStories feature are easy and intuitive to use, allowing even non-expert users to tell an eye-catching tale, bringing a story to life by displaying geographical data, creating statistics and graphics, showing images and videos, and presenting interactive elements to allow readers to explore and experience a story more deeply. An example of GeoStory can be seen here, where...


GeoBuiz Summit 2022 – Monterrey Bay, CA

Dear Reader, It’s not often that there’s an event gathering such a high concentration of top caliber industry leaders, and GeoSolutions is honored to be participating at GeoBuiz Summit in Monterrey Bay June 1-3.  I’ll be participating in the Friday Deep Dive Session on “AI/ML/Cloud/Big Data: Driving X as a Service”. My brief lightning talk will focus on "Innovation at Scale" for data publishing, focusing on the importance of developing interoperable, open standards-based capabilities for getting massive spatiotemporal raster and vector data to consumers and analysts using that data.  As new data formats and types spawn from IoT, smart cities, video,...


GeoSolutions and OGC Testbed-18: “Advancing Location Interoperability”

Dear Reader, The OGC TestBed-18 is upon us and once again GeoSolutions is proud to be part of the team.  As part of OGC’s Innovation Program, Testbeds focus R&D efforts utilizing resources and expertise from OGC membership across industry to evolve data accessibility and interoperability.   While the original Testbed created Web Map Service (WMS) over 20 years ago, OGC Testbeds continue to modernize the open-source GIS tools available to the community with the supreme objective of making location data FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-Usable. This has positive implications across use cases such as disaster response and emergency management, precision...


GeoSolutions at 2022 geOcom Conference

Dear Reader, After the major release 2022.01.00  of MapStore, followed by the minor release 2022.01.01 announced few days ago, GeoSolutions will be soon presenting the latest version at 2022 geOcom Conference. geOcom event is the place where geOrchestra community gathers annually and this year it is hosted by JDev in Perros-Guirec, Brittany, northwestern France, on May 16 17 and 18. Program (in French) at this link. geOrchestra is a free, modular and interoperable Spatial Data Infrastructure software born in 2009 to meet the requirements of the INSPIRE directive in Europe. geOcom event allows main players and newcomers to discover the geOrchestra...



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