
New release of MapStore with Charts and Revised Filtering

Dear Reader, we are pleased to announce the release 2018.01.00 of MapStore, our flagship Open Source webgis product. The full list of changes for this release can be found here, but the most interesting additions are the following: Charts: you can now add charts to your maps for data analysis. New Simplified Query Builder with Cross Layer Filtering: support for cross layer filtering from the query builder. Various bug fixes and performance improvements. More on charts With this release we added an important data analysis tool that can enhance your maps with useful data. MapStore now allows to quickly generate charts (pies, lines, bars,...

Foss4g IT 2018

GeoSolutions al FOSS4G-IT 2018 a Roma

Cari lettori, GeoSolutions sarà presente alla conferenza italiana sul software geografico e sui dati geografici liberi (FOSS4G-IT 2018) nei giorni dal 19 al 22 Febbraio 2018 a Roma (maggiori dettagli qui).  Durante l'evento verranno presentati i migliori lavori sull’utilizzo, lo sviluppo e la diffusione delle applicazioni libere e a codice aperto (Free and Open Source Software) in ambito GIS. La giornata del 19 Febbraio sarà dedicata a workshop introduttivi su vari software tra cui MapStore, GeoNetwork, GeoServer e GeoNode. Nelle giornate successive (20 e 21 Febbraio) si terrà la conferenza vera e propria, con interventi sui principali progetti in ambito FOSS4G. Infine nella giornata del 22 Febbraio...

Release 2017.05.00

New release of MapStore with Annotations and Quick Search

Dear Reader, we are pleased to announce release 2017.05.00 of MapStore, our flagship Open Source webgis product. The full list of changes for this release can be found here, but the most interesting additions are the following: General Review of Map Layout, reorgainizing tools in the bottom-right corner and adding the footer. TOC UI Review, so that now the map's table of contents is organized in cards. Catalog UI Review, to make the catalog widget more intuitive. You can add as many sources as you want and save them in the map. Initial Support for annotations, now you can quickly annotate the map with...

foss4g 2017

GeoSolutions Presentations at FOSS4G 2017

Dear Reader, we just came back from FOSS4G Boston 2017 and we are trying to recover from both the jet lag as well as the excitement of last week; the GeoServer workshops went quite smoothly and we hope they were well received (if you attended you should have received an email with a short feedback form to fill), the presentations were able to gather a good audience and so was for our booth. Last but not least, our GeoServer technical lead Andrea Aime was awarded the Sol Katz Award for his contributions and achievements with FOSS4G software, a recognition that makes all us at...

Vector Editing

New release of MapStore with vector editing support

Dear Reader, we are pleased to announce a new release of MapStore, our flagship Open Source webgis product, which we have called 2017.04.00. The full list of changes for this release can be found here, but the latest most interesting additions are the following. Support for vector layer editing (via WFS-T) Direct access to the data grid from the TOC New data grid with a better look & feel Advanced search moved from the TOC into a separate panel, accessible directly from the feature grid Legacy maps (from MapStore version 1) are identified. The author that access to a legacy map...



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