
New release of MapStore 2 with theming support

Dear Reader, we are pleased to announce a new release of MapStore 2, our flagship Open Source webgis product, which we have called 2017.02.00. The full list of changes for this release can be found here, but let us now concentrate on the latest most interesting additions. Advanced Theming The main Feature of this release is the possibility to have different themes, as shown in the Gallery below. [gallery type="slideshow" ids="3319,3320,3324,3325,3326,3321,3327,3328,3329,3330"] MapStore 2 was conceived with the goal to be highly customizable, therefore we have worked hard on the look and feel from the beginning to create a product that would easily adapt...


Finalmente disponibile il profilo DCAT-AP IT per CKAN

Dear Reader, We apologize in advance, but this post is for our italian readers (hence in Italian only) to announce that we have finalized the implementation of the DCAT-AP_IT Metadata Profile leveraging on the CKAN Open Data product. Siamo lieti di annunciare il primo rilascio dell’estensione CKAN per il supporto al profilo applicativo  DCAT-AP_IT nei portali open data italiani. Lo sviluppo è stato sostenuto, in uno sforzo congiunto, dalla Provincia di Bolzano/Sud Tirol e dalla Provincia di Trento ed è disponibile gratuitamente con licenza  AGPL v3.0. Il profilo per la documentazione dei dati delle pubbliche amministrazioni (DCAT-AP_IT), reso disponibile dall’Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale (AgID), nasce...


First release of 2017 for MapStore 2 plus WFS Support

Dear Readers, we are pleased to announce a new release of MapStore 2, our flagship Open Source webgis product, which we have called 2017.01.00. The full list of changes for this release can be found here, but let us now concentrate on the latest most interesting additions. WFS Query on vector layers We have introduced the option to query vector layers via the OGC WFS protocol. This functionality can be accessed from the Layer TOC (Table Of Content) once a layer that which advertise the OGC WFS procotols is added from the OGC CSW catalog widget. [caption id="attachment_3281" align="alignnone" width="600"] Adding a...


GeoSolutions al FOSS4G-IT 2017 a Genova

Cari lettori, GeoSolutions sarà presente alla conferenza italiana sul software geografico e sui dati geografici liberi (FOSS4G-IT 2017) nei giorni dall'8 all'11 Febbraio 2017 a Genova (maggiori dettagli qui).  Durante l'evento verranno presentati i migliori lavori sull’utilizzo, lo sviluppo e la diffusione delle applicazioni libere e a codice aperto (Free and Open Source Software) in ambito GIS. La giornata dell' 8 Febbraio sarà dedicata a workshop introduttivi su GeoServer  e su GeoNode, nelle giornate successive (9 e 10 Febbraio) si terranno le conferenze su MapStore 2, GeoServer e GeoNode con interventi degli sviluppatori sul software libero sui principali progetti Desktop GIS e WebGIS. Di seguito...


GeoServer Code Sprint 2017

We have offered to host the GeoServer team for a Java 2017 code sprint to look at updating, fixing and documenting the the GeoServer REST API. The GeoServer REST API is used to remotely manage a GeoServer instance and has proven highly successful for automation, integration with other applications, with libraries for java and python remote management. The code sprint is dedicated to: Migrating from the restlet library to Spring MVC library. As an early adopter GeoServer selected the restlet library as best of breed at the time. It has not aged well, and Spring MVC represents a supported annotation based solution that is familiar to more...



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