
Presto disponibile il profilo DCAT-AP_IT per CKAN

Dear Reader, We apologize in advance, but this post is for our italian readers (hence in Italian only) to announce that we have reached an agreement for the implementation of the DCAT-AP_IT Metadata Profile leveraging on the CKAN Open Data product. Siamo lieti di annunciare che il team di sviluppo di GeoSolutions si appresta ad implementare una estensione per il prodotto Open Source CKAN per la implementazione del profilo di metadati DCAT-AP_IT; lo sviluppo è sostenuta dalla Provincia di Bolzano/Sud Tirol e dalla Provincia di Trento in uno sforzo congiunto e verrà rilasciato gratuitamente con licenza Open Source. GeoSolutions ha sviluppato (o partecipato allo sviluppo) nel...


On the road to improve QGIS SLD export

Dear reader, today we would like to introduce some recent work we have done in QGIS to improve SLD export. Our GeoServer Technical Lead Andrea Aime, has been working along with others at the FOSS4G 2016 code sprint to fix some of the SLD 1.1 export issues, improving the compatibility of GeoServer to reproduce the style in the process. The first fix regarded rotations, gaps and alpha values, which used to be expressed using a <ogc:Filter> instead of a normal OGC "expression", or plain value. This broke standard compatibility and made GeoServer unable to interpret the corresponding values, for reference, here is a before/after comparison Before...

INSPIRE Conference 2016

GeoSolutions workshop and presentations at INSPIRE Conference 2016

Dear All, we are writing this blog post to thank all those who attended our GeoServer workshop and our presentations  as well as those who talked to us at our booth at the INSPIRE Conference in Barcelona last week. The material for the GeoServer  is available online, for free but it requires you to download the training package which contains all the data and software needed to perform the exercises. The links to the online material as well as the links to the training packages for Windows and Linux  are available on our website at the bottom of the GeoServer page. As of the...

FOSS4G 2016

GeoSolutions’ Workshops and Presentations at FOSS4G 2016

Dear readers, it has been an hectic month after this year's FOSS4G in Bonn, but we eventually have found time to sit down, gather all the material and publish it on this blog post.  Our technical lead for GeoServer Andrea Aime was in Bonn and so were our technical lead for MapStore Mauro Bartolomeoli and our Director Simone Giannecchini; they gave an impressive serie of workshops and presentations on GeoServer and MapStore. Below we provide the links for the workshop's materials and the slides of each presentation held by GeoSolutions staff at FOSS4G 2015. WORKSHOPS We have provided a few workshops on GeoServer, namely: Web Mapping...

INSPIRE Conference 2016

Meet GeoSolutions at INSPIRE Conference 2016 – Final Update

Dear All, we are proud to announce that GeoSolutions is exhibiting at the INSPIRE Conference 2016 which will be held in Barcelona from 26h to 30th of September 2016.. GeoSolutions will be present with its own booth (it is C4, check this page for the layout) therefore we'll be happy to talk to you about our open source products, like GeoServer, Mapstore and GeoNetwork, as well as about our Enterprise Support Services and GeoServer Deployment Warranty offerings. We are also going to hold a workshop on GeoServer and a few presentations as follows: From geospatial data to INSPIRE Services with GeoServer, Monday, September 26, 2016 -...



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