

EUMETSAT goes Open with GeoServer: EUMETVIEW the EUMETSAT satellite gallery

Dear All, In this post we would like to talk about EUMETVIEW which is currently used operationally at EUMETSAT for publishing in near real time a (wide) subset of  their satellite data and products through the WMS protocol as well as with a lightweight mapping portal. The available data comes, at the time of writing, from sources like METOP and METEOSAT satellites and many different products are available as shown in the picture below. [caption id="attachment_2641" align="alignnone" width="800"] Eumetview at work[/caption] EUMETVIEW has been built as a first step to move away from the existing Image Gallery Service which was serving...

GEO Business 2016

Meet GeoSolutions at GEOBusiness Show 2016 in London

Dear All, this year GeoSolutions will be attending the GEO Business Show  a leading geospatial event held in London, UK on the 24th and 25th of May 2016. GEO Business has become one of the most important shows in the geospatial calendar, with 3000 international visitors expected to attend. The programme includes a two day conference featuring presentations from leading geospatial experts that will focus on geospatial economic efficiency, infrastructure, innovation and sustainability. The exhibition is free to attend and approximately 200 multinational companies will be present. A series of free-to-attend commercial workshops will be held to give visitor a ‘hands on’ experience into the...


Implementing INSPIRE SDS metadata in GeoNetwork

INSPIRE SDS The European INSPIRE directive sets standards and requirements for estabilishing a common infrastructure for spatial information in Europe. To ensure that the spatial data infrastructures of the Member States are compatible and usable in a Community and transboundary context, the Directive requires that common Implementing Rules (IR) are adopted in a number of specific areas (Metadata, Data Specifications, Network Services, Data and Service Sharing and Monitoring and Reporting). Spatial data services are services that do not provide the “standard” functionalities for viewing, downloading or transforming spatial data as are offered by network services. They provide added value to...


Sudtirol OpenData Portal with CKAN

GeoSolutions has worked with the Autonomous Province of Bolzano in order to design, implement and deploy an Open Data portal that would make data coming from a variety of sources comprehending the existing GeoPortal but also other sources of non-geospatial nature. Basic goals included full exploitation of Open Source components as well as the prevention of duplication in data management and storage in order to leave the responsibility for data management and update (where needed and/or possible) in the hands of the producer while still being able to centralized in a single place their description (metadata) to ease users seeking...

User Interface of the C-READ Hub

C-READ System, climate change monitoring with GeoNode and CKAN

The C-READ system has been developed by GeoSolutions for the  Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC or 5Cs) leveraging on several Open Source components  (CKAN, GeoNode, GeoServer, QGIS and Jenkins) to provide SDI functionalities for climate change monitoring, allowing scientistis and users in the caribbean area to upload and fuse historycal as well as near real-time data in a single instructure. You can read the full story in our portfolio at this link. If you want to know more about how we can help your organization, don't hesitate and get in touch with us! Make sure to check out Enterprise Services Offer, we give away...



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