
GeoSolutions Enterprise Services 2016

Dear readers, GeoSolutions is proud to announce the availability of the 2016 subscription for the Enterprise Services. Our Enterprise Services offer support for creating an Enterprise Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) based on the Open Source frameworks GeoServer, GeoNetwork and MapStore. If you choose our support services, thanks to the wide experience gained in supporting mid-size and large enterprise Environments, our team of renowned professionals will help your organization reaching its goals, providing highly customized solutions based upon the customers’ needs. Our enterprise plans come in different sizes to satisfy clients with small budgets as well as clients looking for highly specialized support willing to implement sophisticated infrastructures. Purchases for 2016 made before 31st...


Developer’s Corner: Simplify Complex Features with GeoServer and HALE

Dear Readers, as a follow up to our previous post INSPIRE Support in GeoServer made easy with HALE, in this installment we would like to tell you about the progress we have done in making HALE and GeoServer work together to facilitate the setup of INSPIRE compliant services. We anticipated that we were developing a plugin for HALE to automatically convert a HALE Alignment to an app-schema configuration. Here, we will explore in greater detail the plugin’s current (and future) capabilities.   BASIC WORKFLOW The plugin has been designed to have as little impact on the regular HALE user as...


Materiali del Workshop su GeoServer al GFOSS DAY 2015

Cari Lettori, Nei giorni 28 e 29 settembre si è svolto a Lecco il GFOSS Day 2015, evento incentrato sulla presentazione delle applicazioni a codice aperto e senza licenza (Free and Open Source Software) nel campo GIS, organizzato dall'Associazione Italiana per l’Informazione Geografica Libera e che GeoSolutions ha sponsorizzato. Nella mattina di lunedi 28 Settembre,  Simone Giannecchini ha tenuto un Workshop introduttivo su GeoServer. Ringraziando i partecipanti al workshop, cogliamo l'occasione per condividere i materiali utilizzati durante il training. Qui potete trovare il materiale, mentre a questo link potete scaricare direttamente il pacchetto software + dati per piattaforma Windows. Non esitate...


GeoSolutions’ Workshop and Presentations at FOSS4G Seoul 2015

Dear readers, Last week (14-19 September) GeoSolutions attended the annual FOSS4G 2015 in Seoul. Our technical lead Andrea Aime was in Seoul holding one workshop (about GeoServer) and various presentations. Below we provide the links for the workshop's materials and the slides of each presentations held by GeoSolutions at FOSS4G 2015. WORKSHOP - "Web Mapping with OGC Services and GeoServer: an Introduction." (15th September) You can find the materials and the instructions here, while this is the link for the direct download of the Linux-based ISO and this is the link for the Windows package. PRESENTATIONS -  "GeoServer for Spatio-temporal Data Handling With Examples...


Workshop su GeoServer al GFOSS DAY 2015

Cari lettori, GeoSolutions sarà presente alla VIII edizione della conferenza italiana sul software geografico e sui dati geografici liberi (GFOSS DAY 2015) con un workshop introduttivo su GeoServer. Il GFOSS DAY 2015 si terrà il 28-29 Settembre a Lecco. Durante i due giorni dell'evento verranno presentati i migliori lavori sull’utilizzo, lo sviluppo e la diffusione delle applicazioni libere e a codice aperto (Free and Open Source Software) in ambito GIS. La giornata del 28 settembre sarà dedicata ai workshop, mentre il 29 si terranno conferenze con interventi degli sviluppatori sul software libero sui principali progetti Desktop GIS e WebGIS, incluso un confronto...



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