

Developer’s Corner: Cartographic Rendering Improvements in GeoServer

Dear reader, today we would like to share some recent improvements in GeoServer cartographich rendering, which will be useful for everybody, but great for those dealing with roads mapping. The first one is z-order control, in GeoServer 2.8 there are two new FeatureTypeStyle VendorOption allowing to control in which order the features get painted, inside a single layer, or even across layers. Here is an example from our user guide, where over and under passes, as well as rail bridges, are properly honored in the map rendering: [caption id="attachment_2397" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Z-Order Control at work with OSM Data[/caption] This is made possible...


GeoSolutions’ Workshop and Presentations at FOSS4G Seoul 2015

Dear Readers, As We have previously announced in our blog, GeoSolutions will be present in FOSS4G Seoul 2015, from 14th to 19th of September. Our technical lead Andrea Aime will hold one workshop and six presentations on GeoServer: September 15, Tuesday: WORKSHOP: Web Mapping with OGC Services and GeoServer: an Introduction. 14.30-18.30. September 16, Wednesday: PRESENTATION #1: GeoServer for Spatio-temporal Data Handling With Examples For MetOc And Remote Sensing. 13.50-14.15. PRESENTATION #2: Mapping the world beyond 3857. 16.00-16.25 September 17, Thursday: PRESENTATION #3: GeoServer on steroids.  11.25-11.50.  PRESENTATION #4: Mapping in GeoServer with SLD and CSS. 14.40-15.05 September 18, Friday: PRESENTATION #5: Advanced Security with GeoServer and...


Tips and Tricks: Managing GeoWebCache via ReST

Dear Readers, Today we would like to talk about our experience with GeoWebCache and how we use it in some of our deployments. Before moving on we would like to remind you about this post we wrote a couple of years ago that contains a tweaks checklist for GeoWebCache , if you have not read it yet I would do so as it is quite useful indeed. GeoWebCache is a powerful way to speed up your Web Map Services. By avoiding to continuously  perform the rendering process for your data you can make your infrastructure much more responsive, reduce the...


Developer’s Corner: Improved NetCDF/GRIB support on GeoServer

Dear Readers, today we want to share some improvements we made in GeoServer in supporting NetCDF and GRIB datasets. As you know, NetCDF and GRIB are commonly used format in the Meteorological and Oceanographic (MetOc) context for observational data and numerical modeling, being a platform independent format used to represent multidimensional array-oriented scientific data. As an instance, data for air temperature, water current, wind speed computed by mathematical models across multiple dimensions, such as time, depth/elevation or physical entities measured by sensors may be served as NetCDF datasets. In the last years, we have improved the GeoTools library in such a...


GeoSolutions’ presentations at FOSS4G Europe 2015

Dear reader, Last week (14-17 July) the annual FOSS4G Europe 2015 took place in Como. GeoSolutions was present, giving one workshop about GeoServer (if you are interested, you can learn more about it at this link), and two presentations, led by our director Simone Giannecchini and our technical lead Andrea Aime. As usual, we provide you the slides of the two presentations detailed below: Advanced Cartographic Rendering in GeoServer. 15th July, Andrea Aime - This presentation provides hints, examples and enough information to master SLD in order to create beautiful informative, readable maps with GeoServer. Find the slides here. Spatio-temporal Data...



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