
Articolo di GeoSolutions su GeoServer ad ASITA 2011

Salve a tutti,con colpevole ritardo, mettiamo a disposizione dei nostri lettori l'articolo presentato alla conferenza ASITA dell'anno scorso.Una versione in pdf può essere scaricata qui.The GeoSolutions team,


GeoSolutions Enterprise Services: Open Source ed Enterprise si incontrano

Sei alla ricerca di supporto professionale high-end per affiancarti e guidarti nella creazione di una SDI basata su framework Open Source?Stai disegnando una infrastruttura per OpenData e ti stai chiedendo se legarti al software proprietario sia la strada migliore?Sei stufo di spendere tutto il budget in licenze senza riuscire a creare la infrastruttura di cui avresti bisogno?Vorresti integrare una SDI  proprietaria con software Open Source?GeoSolutions è la soluzione!I piani di supporto offerti da  GeoSolutions  offrono l’opportunità di creare una SDI di classe Enterprise basata su framework Open Source geospaziali di comprovata affidabilità, fra i quali GeoServer, GeoNetwork e MapStore.Con GeoSolutions  è semplice...


Developer’s Corner: First Official Release of GeoNetwork-Manager library

During our work we support many clients with their GeoNetwork  installations, as a consequence we have found ourselves many times in the position to perform massive operations on metadata, e.g. when ingesting data in real-time via GeoBatch or when importing existing metadata in batch. In the past we have noticed that we were de-facto reusing and growing a small but useful codebase of common methods to interact with GeoNetwork therefore we decided to share them with the world (yeah, we are a bit ambitious :) ) and therefore we created the geonetwork-manager project for this purpose.geonetwork-manager  is a Java library for interacting with...


Developer’s Corner: Introducing Database Level Security in GeoServer

During our work we support manu GeoServer Enterprise installations which pull data from a spatial database of some sort, normally via a connection pool, a tool that keeps database connections around so that we don't have to open and close them at every request (something that could be very expensive).The pool accesses the database via a shared user, that all GeoServer requests end up using. Some requests only require data reading (WMS GetMap), others modify data (WFS Transaction), some even create new tables (RESTConfig data uploading for example). The pool user must be able to perform all and any of...


Improving GeoServer SQL Server support

Dear All,in recent times we were hired to improve GeoServer SQL Server support story.The SQL Server store was created and maintained during spare time by Justin DeOliveira, however due to lack of production usage, and work time to pour on it, it failed to reach to the same level of robustness and speed as the best supported stores, such as Oracle and PostGIS.Our work this week tried to close this gap with a number of little and big improvements that make the code run faster and in a more reliable way:add support for connection validation (very important for SQL Azure,...
